Donald Monti | President & CEO
Donald Monti, President and CEO of Renaissance Downtowns USA LLC (RDUSA), has over 40 years of diverse experience covering all aspects of the real estate spectrum having played a major role in the development, construction and management of 80+ development projects. RDUSA has become the branded leader in the holistic and comprehensive development of suburban downtowns with a focus on mixed-use and transit-oriented development. Mr. Monti is a principal in several companies that serve as Master Developer in numerous municipalities throughout the Northeast. He is a strong advocate for the “Triple-Bottom Line” principals of social, environmental and economic responsible and sustainable development with a strong emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and environmental, social, and governance (ESG). Under Mr. Monti’s leadership, the Company has utilized a grass roots, social media campaign for public outreach (“Crowdsourced Placemaking”) which allows community members to provide input to the planning process through web based and in-person initiatives. Mr. Monti has been a featured speaker and/or panelist at a number of regional, national and international conferences, including CNU, APA, ULI, RailVolution, Real Estate Investors Summit, California Downtown Association, Southern California Association of Governments, Wharton Real Estate Summit on the NY Stock Exchange, the United Nations World Energy Forum, amongst others.